Datategy and APRR announce a strategic partnership

Datategy and APRR announce a strategic partnership

Datategy are pleased to announce our new partnership with APRR (Autoroutes Paris-Rhin-Rhône), This partnership aims to support APRR teams in their data-driven approach and to develop ethical data management tools based on artificial intelligence.This new seamless integration enables predictive modeling while ensuring the user has the best possible model for their analysis. 

Whether it’s identifying anomalies, predicting consumption behavior, monitoring and preventing fraud, or optimizing routes , AI brings concrete results to your data projects and covers a wide range of use cases ,Datategy’s ambition is to help companies leverage data to improve global decision making through accessible & explainable AI platform. 

About APRR:

 Autoroutes Paris-Rhin-Rhône (APRR) is one of the companies responsible for operating the French motorway network and is the second largest motorway group in France and the fourth in Europe. The network operated by APRR is 1,883 kilometers long and extends over a vast triangle in central-eastern France. It links the Paris region, the Champagne-Ardenne region, Franche-Comté, Burgundy, Lorraine, Alsace and the Rhône-Alpes region. It also serves the Auvergne region, which represents 25% of the French motorway network

Jean-marc Briquet

Global Sales Director

We are delighted to collaborate with APRR, this partnership is part of our approach to democratize the use of artificial intelligence by offering ethical and responsible solutions.

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